Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Major Update, Part 1: Leaving Stella

So, it's been a while. And I never did get around to Bluesfest, and to be honest, I don't think I ever will at this point.

There's been a lot going on these past few weeks, and a lot that's changed, so I figured it was worth an update as it really has been a bit mind-boggling.

As some of you know, I had a little incident at Stella Luna which made me fear for my job security and felt it was better to get out before I was made to get out. Things fell into place quickly. I felt ill and went home early, and also hoping to begin job searching and was inspired by something I saw on TV which I wouldn't have seen otherwise if I'd lasted through my whole shift. I've thought working for an airline or in an airport would be really cool for years and what I saw reminded me of that. I found somewhere that was hiring and applied. I got an email the next day asking me for an interview. Thinking this was exactly what I wanted and needed, I set up the interview and figured I'd see what happened. Well, by the time the interview actually happened... everything was going much better at Stella Luna again. I had mixed feelings going into it, and wrote down my availability as if I weren't leaving Stella. The HMS Host people who interviewed me (they're the company that runs all of the little shops in the airport) said that they would rather have me for full time. They wanted an answer quickly, and feeling like this had all happened so quick the way Stella Luna had that it meant I was supposed to be there. So, impulsively I accepted and started filling out the paperwork (airports and unions require lots of forms it seems).

I went to the Stella Luna staff meeting that afternoon, not knowing how I was going to tell Tammy I was leaving. Despite everything that happened, I still liked her and I also just flat out hate giving my notice and quitting. It came out much easier than expected and thus began the two-week countdown to my departure.

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