Friday, March 30, 2012

Oh, how things change...

I can't believe I haven't updated since October. I kind of forgot about maintaining this once life settled down into normalcy. And yet failed to recount the fabulousness that was my mom's visit. It was extremely chilly but we spent the whole week checking out the museums around Ottawa, which is something I hadn't done prior to that. We also took a tour of the Parliament and the one room you aren't allowed to take photos of was the coolest place on the whole tour: the library.

My Christmas back in Victoria was not nearly as fun as I had anticipated because I was sick the entire time I was home. I also discovered just how awful it is to travel at Christmas. Fourteen hours in transit while sick and on planes that are packed to the gills is not a pleasant day.

Things have started to shift rapidly since returning to Ottawa in January. I had a feeling things were going to head downhill at Stella Luna before I even returned because there had been an email sent out detailing the changes that were to take place. Very few of those changes were for the better.

Not only did things shift with the policies, but the dynamic changed as well. There were some very public and explosive situations that occurred which put the staff in its entirety on edge. Before I was able to bring those issues up with the boss, I got fired during a fit of her stressed-out irrationality. 

That truly threw a wrench in the works for me. I wasn't happy at work any longer, but I was expecting that I would be the one to initiate the break-off and in the meantime be able to look for something else. Despite having enough money to get by for a couple of months, I got impatient and frustrated and applied for a job at a call centre doing telephone interviews because I figured they would hire just about anybody. It is incredibly hard to find a job in Ottawa if you are not bilingual. You either need to settle for less than you expect or have tons of experience to get your foot in the door anywhere. Kelly Services even said there wasn't much they could do for me if I didn't: a) have government experience; b) speak French.

I am in week three at the telephone interviewer job and also set to start working a landscaping job tomorrow which I am now having major reservations about. The logistics of dealing with eating while outside all day and not being able to refrigerate nor heat any food I bring with me makes for things being awkward. The weather has taken a turn for the frigid again after last week's brilliant summer-like weather (20+ degrees and piles of snow melting in the parking lots, it was surreal but amazing). This also does not have me itching to be outside for 8-10 hours of the day.

As a result of a conversation with one of my roommates on Tuesday, I stopped feeling so guilty for wanting to leave Ottawa after deciding that I would in fact stay for another year. That being said, the plan is now to move to Calgary. So it would seem that my Great Canadian Adventure has yet another chapter to be embarked upon.

And for your listening pleasure, a fellow Victorian in Calgary:

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