I have arrived in Calgary and also had the requisite meltdown that accompanies moving/discovering a new place. After feeling very much like I wasn't sure I wanted to leave anymore in the days leading up to my departure, the actual leaving was surprisingly easy. Except for the night before when Jess gave me a very moving card, I didn't cry until after I'd been here for several hours and decided that I was extremely uncomfortable with everything.
It all started out fine, but even in the car on the way to the house I began to feel overwhelmed. I had a lot of information being thrown at me by both Kim and her mom, with whom I am currently living. I was extremely grateful that they picked me up at the airport, but their kindness and generosity just seemed a bit too much. I was overwhelmed with starting over to begin with, but then to have not one but two people fussing over me was just too much. It was productive only in that I had changed my phone number to a local one before I'd even seen where I would be living. Although, I feel like that is backwards and would have been fine having to fend for myself and find out where to deal with it all.
With how I felt yesterday, I just wanted to go back home... to Ottawa. Jessica misses me and is now alone in the house for several days. I feel bad that I left right before this very lonely weekend for her. I did manage to regain my equillibrium and sense of purpose in being here yesterday by going for a walk and venturing back to the part of Calgary that I am familiar with: downtown. I remembered why I liked Calgary and why I thought I wanted to come here. So despite my less than ideal living situation at the moment, I am resolved to stick it out and find a job.
However, first I have had to deal with various errands of getting settled and properly oriented. By now I have changed my phone number, acquired a library card, and discovered (and applied for) that there is such a thing as a low-income bus pass here. No matter how much money I make in the coming year, I am guaranteed to only have to spend $40 per month on transit. I don't know if I've ever been so glad to be so poor.
My mom and friends, as always, have been extremely encouraging as I work through the growing pains of transitioning to a new life... yet again. But at least one thing I have learned so far is this: We were not meant to live with the mothers of others.
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