I spent last Saturday crying on the phone to my mom instead of applying for jobs. My ability to focus on anything due to my living situation was shot to hell. My mom suggested I stay at the hostel in town until the end of the month while I figured things out and then maybe go back to live with Kim once the mother had actually moved out. I still ended up crying after the relief of that and I knew I had to come home instead. In a way, I knew all along but everyone tried to convince me to stick it out, but I know now my instincts are always right. My mom was supposed to visit me in Ottawa the day I moved to Calgary and I made her cancel. I've been wanting to be back in Victoria for quite a while now, even just as a place to recover after Stella Luna.
Anyways, I cancelled my $750 cheque that I wrote Kim for the deposit and half month's rent and wrote up a new one for $150 to cover the nights that I stayed there and a bit extra to compensate for their trouble in picking me up at the airport. I told Kim that I was going to the hostel for the rest of the month and everything seemed fine. But when I got back to the house, the mother had been in my room (Kim was out of town for the day) because the window that I'd left closed was now open and certain things of mine had been moved.
I packed up everything and booked my flight for the next morning. It was only supposed to be in lieu of the hostel initially, or at least until I figured out what I was doing but I made the mistake of finally being somewhat friendly with the mother--and apparently way too honest with her--because it turned really bad really fast from that point on. I told the mother that I'd cancelled the cheque and was leaving a newer, smaller one and that I was going home to see my mom.
"She should be paying at least for the half month of $250 because she gave me no notice to get someone else. I want 25o cash now or she'll have to leave!"I confirmed that she meant right now and said, "Fine, I'll call a cab." My flight was first thing in the morning and I'm no stranger to staying up all night in the airport, so I gathered what was left of my stuff to pack and was trying to get out (but carrying more than my weight of luggage and in four bags is not an easy task, especially not in a hurry). As I'm getting everything together, the mother comes down the hall again and yells that I need to leave now or that she's calling the cops. Understandably, this puts me in more of a panic than simply getting kicked out at eleven o'clock at night.
I continue to struggle my way down the hall, trying to make it all in one trip, and the old woman yells at me that: a) I owe them $250 cash (which I don't have and which most people would not have on their person); and b) that she wants both of my mother's numbers. I insist that they are getting nothing more out of me than the $150 cheque that I wrote that day and that my mother has nothing to do with any of it and I won't give her any number of hers. My head is completely spinning at this point and so I don't realize until hours later something else she has just spewed out at me: We already have one of them. And she did. She sent my mother a litany of text messages telling her twisted version of what had happened. She also later sent another text (once I'd already arrived in Victoria and was adamantly ignoring any text messages from the crazy woman), sounding very threatening and claiming that if the $750 cheque didn't go through that it was fraud. I never knew putting a stop payment or writing a NSF cheque was fraud, but she is clearly looney tunes.
I managed to get myself down the stairs and out the door. I was still struggling at this point because I had broken the handle on my new behemoth of a suitcase in trying to drag it down the stairs along with my duffel bag on top of it. The troll woman grabbed hold of the gimped handle and said that I wasn't leaving until I gave her the keys to the house. I told her I didn't have her keys and that they were in the bedroom on the night table. She threw the handle back at me and hissed "YOU STUPID BITCH!" as she slammed the door in my face.
I made my way to the curb, head still spinning, heart still pounding, muttering to myself "Never in all my life!" because I was just stunned, absolutely stunned. At that moment, before I even had a chance to call a cab, there was one on the street. I tried to flag him down even though he was obviously there to pick up someone else. I think he felt a bit sorry for me when he heard me plead that I just really needed him to take me to the airport. I know he was a guardian angel of sorts. He got me out of that hellhole and safely to the airport. I think he made me feel about as good as I could at that point and I wanted to give him a hug after all of that.
I spent my night in the airport on the phone because I couldn't be alone with my thoughts at that point and was feeling very paranoid after the threat of the police. It wasn't until I spoke with my friend Sarah, who has one of the cheeriest voices I know, that I started to feel better. She also pointed out that the cops being called is usually just an empty threat; they have much better things to do than listen to crazy old women and chase down people on their behalf.
Thankfully, by the time th sun came up, it all felt like a bad dream and before 10am I was safely back home with my mom. Exactly where I'm supposed to be.
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