Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 1 - Leaving Victoria

I have barely had time to think about anything other than getting my things packed up into boxes before leaving Victoria, including packing for my trip. My habit of last-minute packing strikes again, leaving me feeling utterly tired and stressed as I prepare to leave. It only now is starting to sink in that I am really leaving. My usual ability to pack light is hampered by the fact that I am moving and require far more things (and don’t have the money to ‘shop when I get there’ as I usually do). 

Adding to my stress is the fact that the extra battery I ordered for my computer has not arrived (it does later…half an hour before I need to leave). I am waiting and also trying to cram the last of my things into my bags. As I’ve packed, I suddenly realize that if I had thought this whole thing through, I may not have gone through with it. The logistics would have made me want to give up. As it stands, it is far too late to second guess myself or turn back.

Even though I’ve started to realize what I’m actually doing, none of it prepares me for saying goodbye to my mom. What normally would be a simple “see you later” as she leaves for work now feels devastating. Later I also realize how much I am going to miss the stupid cat, unaffectionate and whiney, but I’ll miss her too.
Making it to my bus for the ferry with barely any time to spare, I struggle to get my ridiculously heavy bags onto the bus. The driver jokes, asking if I have gold bricks in there. No, just my life condensed. My best friend Jen, trying to be a good friend by offering support over text message, ends up causing me to start crying on the bus. It’s better if I don’t think about what I’m leaving behind and she’s just reminded me. I pull myself together eventually, but lose it again on the ferry. Lack of sleep and the last minute stress is not helping the situation either. I hate crying in public and yet I can’t stop myself today. 

The day eventually does get better. As we prepare to disembark from the ferry, I meet up with Linda, my friend’s sister, also on her way over to celebrate Jenny’s graduation from her ECE program. We make the mistake of following Jen’s semi-vague directions to her house. It results in an 8-block uphill hike before reaching her street and having to walk another several blocks. Normally, I couldn’t care less because I love walking, but today, with so much stuff, it is terrible. Once we arrive, all is well. Dinner by Josh, Jen’s husband, is delicious as always. Then an evening tour around Stanley Park and a bit of Vancouver for Linda, who is very unfamiliar with the city, her boyfriend and myself. We take a small hike and then some photos at Siwash Rock where Jen and Josh got engaged. 

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